
The Swans

Isabella 'Bella' Swan
Bella, born September 13, 1987, is the accident prone daughter of Renee Dwyer and Charlie Swan. Bella is slender and around 5'4'' with a heart shaped face and very pale skin. She drives a red 1953 Chevy pickup truck and even though she hasn't had it all that long seems very attached to it. She currently lives in Forks, Washington and is the girlfriend of Edward Cullen, although Jacob Black is also vying for her affection.

Charlie Swan
Charlie, born 1964, is currently a single parent and the police chief of the small Forks, Washington. When he isn't at work, he can be found at home watching sports, or out fishing with Billy Black. He is a disastrous cook and usually depends on Bella for anything made in the kitchen.

The Cullens

Edward Cullen
Edward, born June 20, 1901, is a vampire who is known as a "vegetarian" because he does not feed off of humans. He is 6'2'' with untidy black hair and is described as mesmerizingly beautiful. After meeting Bella, and a few weeks away, he knew that he couldn't stay far from her and the two are currently (as of Eclipse) unseparable. Edward is able to read everyone's mind around him, except Bella, and typically drives a silver Volvo. (Changed by: Carlisle)

Carlisle Cullen
Carlisle is the "father of the house" and is currently married to Esme. He was born in the 1640's in London, England and was the son of an Anglican pastor. Carlisle was changed into a vampire when he was in the process of hunting one, after three days of horrible pain the change was finally done. He is currently a doctor and can easily resist the temptation of human blood. He is 6'2'' with blonde hair and movie star good looks.

Esme Cullen
Esme was born in 1895 in Columbus, Ohio. She broke her leg when she was 16 after falling out of a tree and was treated by Carlisle Cullen. Years later, after becoming pregnant she ran away from home and eventually lost the baby. Feeling as if she had nothing left in this world she attempted suicide by jumping off a cliff. Carlisle, being in the same town, discovered her and 'saved her' from death by changing her. She is 5'6'' with a heart shaped face, and is described as slender yet round, she is a very loving person.

Emmett Cullen
Emmett, born around 1915, is described as very muscular with dark brown, curly hair. He has golden eyes, pale skin, and purple circles under his eyes like other "vegetarian" vampires. He stands at 6'5". He is also said to have dimples, causing him to look somewhat innocent. He was changed by Carlisle Cullen after being found near death by Rosalie. He is currently married to Rosalie and has been for many years.

Rosalie Hale
Rosalie was born in 1933 in New York into a rich family who would have loved to see her married off to Royce, a powerful and rich man who ran a bank. Rosalie, when walking home, was confronted by a drunken Royce and his friends, their attraction to her led to her rape and near murder. She was found by Carlisle Cullen and turned into a vampire, she later returned for revenge on Royce and the men who had defiled her. She is around 5'9'' with blonde hair, and is incredibly beautiful.

Jasper Hale
Jasper, was born in 1843 and soon after joined the army. He was discovered by Maria, a vampire who made armies of new born vampires, after she noticed that he was a high ranking officer and could be of some use with his combat skills. Jasper is able to control the emotions of those around him and is currently in a relationship with Alice Cullen.

Alice Cullen
Alice, born around 1901, is a vampire with psychic abilities. She is very short, around 4'10'' and is described as pixie-like with short, black, spiky hair. She was changed into a vampire by an unknown person during her time in a mental asylum. Because of her fractured mind, before she was a vampire, she remembers nothing of her life before. Jasper and Alice are together romantically, and have been for many years.

Quileute Tribe

Jacob Black
Jacob was born in 1990 and is 6'5'' with long glossy black hair, very handsome, and is an American Indian. He discovered that he was a werewolf in New Moon and because of this will not age until he no longer changes into a werewolf. He was Bella's "sunshine" when Edward was out of town and during this time the two formed a very close bond, enough of one that Jacob is in love with Bella. He is very handy with cars and motorcycles and is able to easily put them together and repair them.